August 30, 2011

A Bit Of A Flop

Bone China Slip Trials

We're back to the studio today for some more slip trials, we had a kiln full of tests last night, and one bit of a flop. We tested the final form of the clock to see how it would stand up to being fired on foot, we knew it would slump. We just didn't expect this much.

Looking like something out of a Dali painting, it's actually kind of cute. Not quite what we want though. This test was done in our regular slip just to test the form and mold out. The bone china slip will warp even more when we get it to cast, so we'll be setting up a different firing routine for the HAMS clocks. We'll be firing raw to temperature and glazing low. That way we can fire face down for stability and glaze upright without fear of too much warping.

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